Fallacy Tutorial Pro1.2 Copyright1994, 1995 by Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere
An Opifex Phoenix Production
Fallacy Tutorial Pro is a shareware SuperCard® Standalone application that provides an introduction to informal fallacies as well as a quiz on said fallacies. All of the functions of the Fallacy Tutorial Pro are described in an online help, but the main features are listed here.
The software has the following features:
-Fallacy Navigator: A means to quickly move from fallacy to fallacy.
-Fallacy Cards: Cards that provide the definitions, common names, and examples of various fallacies (errors in reasoning).
-Text Export:The contents of the fallacy cards can be exported as text files
-Notes: A handy, "multipage" electronic notepad for taking notes on the fallacies.
-Quiz Set: A quiz for testing how much the user has learned from the tutorial. Includes hints as well as an explanation of the answers (both right and wrong answers).
-Quiz Notes: A useful notepad for taking notes during the quiz. This notepad has the capacity to export text.
-3D graphic interface.
Fallacy Tutorial Pro is optimized to run on just about any Mac, from 680x0 based Macs to the PowerMacs. Unlike version 1.1, 1.2 does not require a 13" color monitor. It does require System 6.0.4 or newer as well as at least 1600K of RAM. Users of B&W systems might be able to lower the RAM allocation down to 800K, but a minimum of 1600K is suggested.
The best way to reach me is via email on America Online.
AOL: ontologist
Internet and other services: ontologist@aol.com
List of Fallacies
The following fallacies are covered in this version:
Ad Hominem
Ad Hominem Tu Quoque
Appeal to Belief
Appeal to Common Practice
Appeal to the Consequences of a Belief
Appeal to Fear
Appeal to Flattery
Appeal to Pity
Appeal to Ridicule
Appeal to Spite
The Bandwagon
Begging the Question
Burden of Proof
Circumstantial Ad Hominem
False Dilemma
Genetic Fallacy
Personal Attack
Poisoning the Well
Red Herring
Relativist Fallacy
Two Wrongs Make a Right
Slippery Slope
Straw Man
Legal Stuff
Fallacy Tutorial is copyrighted shareware. It may be freely distributed provided: 1) it is distributed in an unmodified manner, 2) this documentation is included with all distributions and 3) it is not distributed (directly or indirectly) for profit without the express consent of the author. This includes distribution via CD-ROMs, shareware collections, and so forth. Portions of the software are the intellectual property of Allegiant and are duly protected by the relevant laws.
While every effort has been made to make a safe, stable application in no event shall I be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use or inability to use this application. Those who chose to use this software do so at their own risk and accept full legal and moral responsibility for chosing to use said software.
Registration Information for Fallacy Tutorial Pro 1.2
Shareware and Distribution
Fallacy Tutorial Pro is copyrighted shareware. This means that it is not free and that it may not be modified, distributed for profit, or sold without the express consent of Michael C. LaBossiere (the author). This software may be freely distributed via BBSs and online services (or by hand) for the standard distribution fees. For example, a BBS or online service can charge its usual connect time for downloading the software but a BBS or service cannot sell the software. Fallacy Tutorial Pro may be distributed via CD-ROM or shareware disk collections provided that 1) permission is requested and given by the author and 2) the author is offered an author’s copy of the CD-ROM(s) or shareware disk collection.
The Trial Period
In the tradition of shareware, you get 10 days to try out Fallacy Tutorial Pro, free of charge. If you like the software and decide to keep it, you are morally obligated to register. If you decide the software is not worth registering, stop using it and get rid of your copies.
Why Register?
There are several good reasons to register Fallacy Tutorial Pro. While there are different benefits for each level of registration, paying your registration fees yields the following benefits:
1. You are being honest, which makes you a better person. Stealing is an addictive habit and corrupts a person.
2. You are supporting the concept of shareware, which generally provides quality products, excellent technical support, and low prices.
3. You are encouraging the author to take his limited free time to develop more software.
4. The money received for this software is being used to pay the author’s student loans. Once they are paid (freeing up the loan money for other students), half of the money received will be donated to the author’s preferred charities. The other half of the money will be used to fund the development of additional software products and help support the freeware EMagazine the author edits, the Low-End User.
Levels of Registration
As an easy way to categorize the levels of registration I have decided to name them after various metals, ranging from lead to platinum. Naturally, the lead level is the lowest, platinum is the highest.
All levels permit the registered user to have copies on up to two computers the user owns and to have an unlimited number of unused backup copies (on floppies or some other storage medium).
Version Notes:
Version 1.0: The ill-fated initial release.
Version 1.1: This version significantly improved 1.0.
Version 1.2: The current version. A radical departure from 1.1.
Version 1.3-1.9: These will be minor updates (cosmetic or bug fixes)
Version 2.0: This version will add several new fallacies and one new quiz.
Version 2.1-2.9: These will be minor updates (cosmetic or bugfixes)
Version 3.0: This version will add more fallacies and a third quiz.
Version 3.1-3.9 These will be minor updates (cosmetic or bug fixes)
Level Details
Level: Lead Cost: Special Additional Benefits:None
The Lead level is a level that allows use of the product but offers no additional benefits. This level of registration can be conferred by a user who has registered at the Platinum level (the details are given below).
Level: Bronze Cost: $5 Additional Benefits:Yes
The Bronze level costs $5 and confers the following additional benefits:
1. Free upgrades from 1.2 through version 1.9.
2. Email technical support for questions about the operation of the program.
Level: Silver Cost: $10 Additional Benefits:Yes
The Bronze level costs $10 and confers the following additional benefits:
1. Free upgrades from 1.2 through version 2.9.
2. Email technical support for questions about the operation of the program.
3. Email support for questions about the content of the program.
Level: Gold Cost: $15 Additional Benefits:Yes
The Gold level costs $15 and confers the following additional benefits:
1. Free upgrades from 1.2 through version 3.9.
2. Email technical support for questions about the operation of the program.
3. Email support for questions about the content of the program.
Level: Platinum Cost: $20 Additional Benefits:Yes
The Platinum level costs $20. It is available only to educators who teach at a certified public or private institution (such as high schools, universities, etc.). This level of support confers the following additional benefits:
1. Free upgrades from 1.2 through version 2.9.
2. Email technical support for questions about the operation of the program.
3. Email support for questions about the content of the program.
4. License to distribute copies at the Lead level. This license permits the instructor to distribute copies of Fallacy Tutorial Pro to his/her students (students that are officially registered in a class that is taught by the instructor) provided that no fee is levied by the instructor for the software. The students will be considered to be registered at the Lead Level (which means they can use the version they are given, but are entitled to no other benefits).
How To Register
Contact the author at ontologist@aol.com for registration details. As this is being written, I am employed as a visiting professor at Florida A&M University. Since my contract expires in May, I cannot include a permanent Postal Mail address at this time (for I have no idea where I will be in a few months...). However, my email address is permanent.
A Note on Fallacy Tutorial
There is a freeware program that is similar to Fallacy Tutorial Pro. This software is named “Fallacy Tutorial.” It is a black and white program, lacks many of the features of Fallacy Tutorial Pro, has smaller windows, and will not be significantly improved. However, it is free. So, if you like Fallacy Tutorial Pro, but have no desire to pay for it, you can pick up a copy of Fallacy Tutorial at no charge.
Fallacy Tutorial Pro Upgrades
Registered users are entitled to upgrades, as described in the relevant file.These upgrades will not be sent directly to the registered users (doing so would exceed the cost of registration in many cases) and must be acquired by the users. This policy has been adopted to keep the costs of registration to a minimum. Upgrades will be announced in the Low-End User magazine and uploaded to a variety of online sites on a regular basis.
Registered users who wish to mail a HD disk and a stamped, addressed, suitable disk mailer will be mailed the latest version at no additional cost. Please contact the author via email for information on such an upgrade.
At this time, at least three major versions will made available (the original plus two major upgrades). Each major upgrade will add new fallacies and a new quiz set. There will also be several minor upgrades which will fix any bugs, update the software as new versions of SuperCard become available, and add user requested features.
Fallacy Tutorial Pro Custom Options
Fallacy Tutorial Pro is distributed as a 68K program, in order to save disk space and download time. Registered sers who wish to have a Native PowerMac or a Fat-Binary (native mode on 68K and PowerMacs) can acquire such versions. Contact me at ontologist@aol.com. I will send you my current mailing address (I’m a junior professor, so I move around fairly often). To get the version(s) you want, you will need to:
1. Send a Macintosh HD disk (or two DD).
2. Send a suitable mailer with postage stamps already affixed.
3. Send $2 in US currency.
4. Specify the version(s) you wish: 68K, PowerMac, or one of each (no extra charge for both versions).
Once I have the disk, mailer and $2, I will prepare the disk and mail it to you the next business day. I will send the most recent version that you are entitled to If the mailer does not have adequate postage, I will not mail the disk. Instead I will recycle the disk and give the money to charity.